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The cost of starting your new e-Business is dropping every day with the lower costs of web hosting, domain names and web development tools!  Web hosting and web site design often go hand-in-hand.  Many small business entrepreneurs need assistance in acquiring web hosting services as well as designing and maintaining their web sites.  Domain registration is provided by domain registrars and may also be provided through web hosts and developers as part of a complete deployment package.  An integrated solution may be the easiest way to go for many newcomers.

A good way to start is to surf the net to identify web sites that look appropriate as models for your site.  You will probably need to have a graphic designer prepare a logo for your web site, as well.  Remember that there's a lot of competition on the web for most product lines.  Once you get a visitor to stop by, the first impression will be critical.  

Animated graphics are hot on the web today, but keep your target audience in mind.  Animation and sound effects may appeal to specific market groups, but may otherwise be an unnecessary hindrance to others, since they inevitably slow down the browser loading process to some extent.  

Before you select your web hosting service you'll need to secure your domain name unless you accept a domain registration service packaged in your hosting program.  You should know that several major search engines use the domain name in keyword searches.  If you're in the photography business, for example, you may want a domain name like mike-soto-photos.com, for example, assuming your name is Mike Soto (a fictitious name). If your business is new and you don't already have a name for your business you should search online for the names you would like to use for your business. If someone is already using your original name, be as creative as possible to think of other names that are original on the Internet and are potentially interesting to consumers or visitors. If you're selling purses and purses.com is already established you may wish to try my-purses.com, for example.

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The cost of starting your new e-Business is dropping every day with the lower costs of web hosting, domain names and web development tools!  Web hosting and web site design often go hand-in-hand.  Many small business entrepreneurs need assistance in acquiring web hosting services as well as designing and maintaining their web sites.  Domain registration is provided by domain registrars and may also be provided through web hosts and developers as part of a complete deployment package.  An integrated solution may be the easiest way to go for many newcomers.

A good way to start is to surf the net to identify web sites that look appropriate as models for your site.  You will probably need to have a graphic designer prepare a logo for your web site, as well.  Remember that there's a lot of competition on the web for most product lines.  Once you get a visitor to stop by, the first impression will be critical.  

Animated graphics are hot on the web today, but keep your target audience in mind.  Animation and sound effects may appeal to specific market groups, but may otherwise be an unnecessary hindrance to others, since they inevitably slow down the browser loading process to some extent.  

Before you select your web hosting service you'll need to secure your domain name unless you accept a domain registration service packaged in your hosting program.  You should know that several major search engines use the domain name in keyword searches.  If you're in the photography business, for example, you may want a domain name like mike-soto-photos.com, for example, assuming your name is Mike Soto (a fictitious name). If your business is new and you don't already have a name for your business you should search online for the names you would like to use for your business. If someone is already using your original name, be as creative as possible to think of other names that are original on the Internet and are potentially interesting to consumers or visitors. If you're selling purses and purses.com is already established you may wish to try my-purses.com, for example.


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